Performance-Driven Instructional Design
Many organizations are blessed with subject matter experts, (SMEs), who are willing to train new employees but who do not have instructional design backgrounds.  Training becomes storytelling. Is the story written down?  Can you verify that learners applied the story’s lesson on the job?
Kris has served as the Instructional Design Expert, (IDE), partnering with in-house SMEs to build comprehensive training programs that verify skill acquisition tied directly to performance objectives. 
Do your experts double as trainers?
Kris will guide your team to design instruction that is:
  • Performance Based: lessons correlate directly to job expectations and skill acquisition is verified
  • Adaptive: meets the needs of visual, audial, and tactile learners
  • Vetted:  approved by subject matter experts, (SMEs), for content effectiveness
  • Branded: highly recognizable job aids are provided and accessible on demand on the job
So that your organization's training curriculum is:
  • Recorded: documented for future reference for all employees
  • Consistent: repeatable without variation across trainers and time
  • Effective:  learning outcomes measured to ensure skills are obtained, retained, and applied to meet job performance objectives
  • Cost Efficient: delivery channel, (ex: online, in-person, at-elbow), is leveraged​ to maximize return on training investments

Contact Kris to learn more!